Fire Hazards of Specific Industries

Majority of fire accidents occur as a result of carelessness and elimination of carelessness is a major problem. The problems can be best avoided by in-depth study and understanding of the manufacturing process and the environment. Hazards in Cotton Industry start right from the inception, i.e. from cotton in its fully compressed form (bales) and […]

The Cotton Textile Industry is essentially a conversion industry i.e. unlike in other industries, raw material does not undergo fundamental change in basic manner but here the raw material exists in the same form but undergoes a structural change only. Thus cotton or synthetic staple fibre is stretched into yarn and then woven into cloth. […]

1. COTTON – GENERAL INFORMATION : Even when civilization was not advanced to the present stage, man knew the art of spinning and weaving have remained unchanged, new techniques and continued refinements have led to the development of a world-wide industry with the application of powered machinery to the basic processes during the 19th and […]

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