
4.1.1. The prerequisites for the operation of a major hazard control system are:
manpower, within industry as well as within the competent authorities, including external expertise if necessary;
information sources.

Manpower requirements

General Works management should ensure that it has an adequate number of workers available with sufficient expertise before operating a major hazard installation. The design of jobs and systems of working hours should be arranged so as not to increase the risk of accidents. For a fully operational major hazard control system, competent authorities should ensure the availability of the following specialised manpower:
government inspectors with specialist support;
specialists on hazard and risk assessment;
specialists on examination and testing of pressure vessels;
emergency planners;
experts on land-use planning;
emergency services, police, fire authorities and medical services. Competent authorities should not wait for the availability of specialised manpower in all fields before starting a major hazard control system. They should set realistic priorities based on available manpower.

Government inspectorate Competent authorities should make resources available suitable staff, including specialist support for inspection of major hazard installations, and provide them with suitable training in their duties.

Group of Experts Competent authorities should make resources available to establish a Group of Experts in the country, particularly when there is a shortage of technical expertise within the existing factory inspectorate. This Group should include experienced engineers and scientists. If appropriate, this Group should be seconded from outside the competent authorities, such as from industry, trade unions or specialised consultancies.

Advisory committee Competent authorities should consider the establishment of an advisory committee on major hazards. This committee should include representatives from all organisations involved or experienced in major hazard control, including:
competent authorities;
works managements and employers’ organisations;
trade unions or workers’ representatives;
local authorities;
scientific institutions. The objectives of this committee should include:
discussion of priorities for the major hazard control system in the country in accordance with any national requirements;
discussion of technical matters with respect to the implementation of the major hazard control system;
making recommendations on all aspects of the safety of major hazard installations.


4.3.1. Competent authorities should consider whether elements of the major hazard control system require the use of computer systems, particularly in establishing data banks and national or state inventories of major hazard installations.

4.3.2. Depending on local arrangements, works management or local authorities should make available technical equipment, for use in an emergency situation, in accordance with the needs of the emergency plans. Such equipment should include:
first-aid and rescue material;
fire-fighting equipment;
spill containment and control equipment;
personal protective equipment for rescue personnel;
measuring instruments for various toxic materials;
antidotes for the treatment of people affected by toxic substances.

Sources of information

4.4.1. Competent authorities should determine their information needs for establishing a major hazard control system. These may include:
technological developments in the process industries;
developments in major hazard control;
codes of practice of safety-related technical issues;
accident reports, evaluation studies and lessons learnt;
inventory of experts and specialists on major hazard control.

4.4.2. Competent authorities should consider appropriate sources for this information, which may include:
industry experts and researchers;
industry and trade organisations;
national and international standard-setting organisations;
trade union organisations;
universities, colleges and research institutes;
professional institutions;
international codes of practice and guiding principles;
national codes and regulations of highly industrialised countries;
reports of accidents;
published reports about major hazard assessments;
proceedings of seminars and conferences;
specific textbooks;
publications and articles in journals dealing with major hazards.

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