Road related accidents cost India millions every year, but there is no sign of any possible intervention. To despair, there is no available record of precisely how much developmental money is lost due to road related accidents, and how much compensation is paid to road accident victims. Highways lack some sort of preliminary road safety measures including first aid emergency services etc. It is really ironical to note that, we have numerous liquor shops, motels, fun parks, and petrol pumps spread all over the highways, but scarce, or to be more precise, negligible trauma centers on highways.

Many researches and surveys are being carried out to look for measures to control the mortality rate during the accidents on the Indians roads. It is usually recommended that strict licensing procedure must be implemented. It is also advised to impart a minimal level of education related to road safety especially for young children. So, basically, we should look forward to formulate a comprehensive safe “Driving Policy” in view of following road-wise accidental data:

On Indian roads, the safest driving policy is to assume that the other drivers will not respond to the traffic situation in the same way s you think. Apart from power steering and power brakes in our vehicles, we need both road sense and the necessary infrastructure. Though most of the accidents can be reduced by training drivers and enforcing rules, law does not tell you to be courteous. That one has to be self-cultivated.

Excludes Delhi for which break-up was not available.

Apart from the infrastructural loop holes, vehicle manufactures are also to blame to some extent. Knowing the extent of the impact of accidents in India, proper safety measures are not implemented in vehicle designing for Indian roads. Equipment including safety air bags and many more, although present in vehicles abroad, are absent in Indian vehicles.

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